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HOME > SERIES > Bandish Bandits

Bandish Bandits

Romance, Drama
(1 User)

Released on : 1st Jan, 1970
Genre : Romance, Drama
Writer :
Available on : Amazon Prime

Creator :
Cast : Naseeruddin Shah as eeruddin Shah
Language : Hindi
Studio :


A boy who has trained in classical Hindustani music meets a young pop star. They fall in love and use their different approaches to music as a way to inspire each other and help achieve their dreams.


Bandish Bandits Bandish Bandits Bandish Bandits Bandish Bandits

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User Review


Akansha Tyagi 1413 days


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Title Year No. of Episodes

Discussion Board

Bandish Bandits
Added By - Akansha Tyagi
2 years ago
Plot is interesting.

I just absolutely lovee the vibes of this show. If music is your thing, then you should definitely watch it!

Bandish Bandits
Added By - Kashish Bansal
2 years ago

Classical music is a genre which usually isn't appealing for the current generation but this one proves it wrong with all the right reasons. Totally recommended!


