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Pushpavalli Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Eagle Attack

After a lot of struggle and stalking, Pushpavalli finally meets Nikhil.

Pushpavalli Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Eagle Attack

The second episode begins with the flashback of the same Food Expo in Bhopal where Pushpavalli met Nikhil for the first time. Her colleagues at the stall are crushing over Nikhil when Pushpavalli tells them about how he came to their stall and how stingy he is. Saloni, one of the colleagues’ bribes Pushpavalli to go and ask for Nikhil’s number in return for full talk-time recharge in Pushpavalli’s phone. Pushpavalli agrees. She goes to Nikhil and directly asks for his card. She somehow manages to get it from him and gives it to Saloni.

In the next scene, Pushpavalli is speaking with her mother on the phone in the balcony. Her mother wants her to meet a boy from Chennai on Friday. Pushpavalli obviously is not interested but she agrees to meet him after talking to him on the phone first.

Meanwhile in the hall, one of the girls just came from her morning walk. She is upset and sharing her agony with other flatmates about a construction worker “flashing” her on the road. Other girls also share stories of their similar experiences. To be honest, I did not see this coming at all. Bangalore is one of the safe cities of the country in my mind. Anyway, Pushpavalli enters. She does not know what flashing means so she quickly googles it on her phone. Google directs her to an alternate definition which says a metal strip used to stop penetrating water on the roof. So when a girl asks Pushpavalli about any of her bad experiences like this, she tells them about an incident involving her mother and a plumber and makes a fool of herself. Vasu, the landlady, also chips in with her expert comments. She also warns Pushpavalli to pay the house deposit by evening.

Pushpavalli again visits the tea stall and inquires about Nikhil from the tea boy. He hasn’t come to the office yet, the tea boy tells her. Even the tea boy wonders what the case with Pushpavalli and Nikhil is, why is she so after him? Pushpavalli shuns him and tells him to inform her exactly when Nikhil arrives.

She rushes to the library. Pankaj is drawing on a whiteboard. Pushpavalli tries to sneak in without letting Pankaj know. But she is caught and Pankaj yells at her. 

Then a mother enters to drop her child for Sunny Side Up, the library’s first workshop. It is supposed to be the first workshop organised by the library but the ornithologist who was invited to host it will not be able to make it due to an eagle attack. Pankaj, as usual, is losing his cool because he has paid the ornithologist an advance. In order to make some extra money, Pushpavalli offers to take the workshop because canceling or postponing it is not an option.

In the next scene, we see Pushpavalli, quite funnily making bird noises while conducting the workshop. Her phone vibrates. It’s the tea boy. He informs her that Nikhil is at the stall. Pushpavalli gives a 10-minute break to the kids and runs to the tea stall. She stands in front of Nikhil and asks for tea at the stall pretending as if she hasn’t seen Nikhil over there. Nikhil notices this woman shouting for tea. It’s Pushpavalli but Nikhil refers to her as “Li” for some reason. They meet as if it is a pleasant surprise. Pushpavalli is great at pretending, I must say. She acts completely unaware of the fact that Nikhil is a resident of Bangalore and that he works there. Then they have tea together. I am not sure if they have been friends for a while but the way they interact seems to imply they have had more interactions than just the Food Expo flashback we are repeatedly shown.

Pushpavalli forgets about the workshop. Turns out, the impertinent Pankaj has to continue with the rest of the workshop. Even while explaining to the kids about birds, he is not able to keep calm. If I were in the kids’ place, I would have never returned to that library for anything and would complain endlessly to my parents. I wonder how the kids tolerate Pankaj’s shouty voice all the time, that too in a library.

Then, Pushpavalli comes back. After getting an earful from Pankaj for not coming back on time, she dares to ask him for the workshop remuneration. Pankaj rebukes her as expected. This time, even Pushpavalli was pushing the limit.

Then, we see Pushpavalli returning to her flat. As she gets down from the rickshaw, she sees Vasu, her landlady kicking out a flatmate who hasn’t paid rent in time. I feel bad for the poor girl who has to leave at night with no other place for her to go to. Vasu is too cruel.

While Pushpavalli hasn’t even paid the deposit yet, she peeps through the grill and watches the scene. Vasu is furious and Pushpavalli is terrified. How will she manage to get in, she wonders. 

After the flatmate leaves with her suitcase and Vasu goes inside, Pushpavalli tries to sneak in. However, a man standing outside tries to take off his pants in front of Pushpavalli. Vasu sees that, she picks up the wiper and starts to run after the creep. Meanwhile, Pushpavalli quickly sneaks into the house and the episode concludes.

Episode Rating: 3/5

Episode 1 Recap: Bhopal to Bangalore

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